Tags & tag definitions

What are tags?

Newmetrix is powered by image & speech recognition software that can recognize almost any word in English speech, as well hundreds of visual objects related to construction. When we analyze photo & videos, we instantly add tags to them based on what our software sees and hears. 

There are three main types of tags in Newmetrix:

  • Image tags - We add image tags added to pictures when we recognize the object tagged in the picture. For example, we'll add a Bridge image tag to any uploaded picture that we think shows a bridge.

    Image tags also include safety tags, which are advanced image tags for common safety risks: workers missing PPE (tags for No Hi-Vis, No Hard Hat, No Gloves, and No Glasses), fall risks (tags for Boom Lift, Standing Water, Ladder (with subtypes of Site Ladder, Extension Ladder, Folding Ladder), Scaffolding, Scissor Lift) and Housekeeping. 

    Unlimited safety tags are available to paid/premium users, but free trial accounts still enjoy safety tagging on up to 500 pictures. (Learn more about trials & tag limits here!)
  • Speech tags - We add speech tags to videos when we think we hear the tagged word or phrase in the accompanying audio tag. For example,  if you upload a video where the word "bridge" is said 3 times, our tagging engine will place three Bridge tags at each place where it's said.
  • Manual tags - Manual tags are tags added by you or other users. You can add an existing tag as a manual tag, or you can create a new tag as you add it manually. 

Tag confidence

Every time our software adds a tag to a file, it also assigns it one of three confidence levelshigh, medium, or low. When you look at a file or search for files by a tag, by default, we only show high-confidence tags. On either screen, you can use the SmartFilter to move to medium or low confidence and see more tags; think of it like "scrolling to see more" in Google search. The confidence filter lets you be flexible depending on what you'd looking for in the context of a specific tag; in some cases you'll only want to see the strongest results, and in others you'd rather review more and not miss anything.

What's a tag dictionary?

Files in Newmetrix are stored in projects. When we analyze the files in each project,  we only look for and add tags that you've saved in that project's tag dictionary. The tag dictionary is the set of tags you decide to use on a project. Each project has its own set of tags useful for the project's specific needs. For example, say you upload a video where the word “crane” is said to Project X. If you have Crane saved in Project X's dictionary, the video will get a Crane tag.

When you create a new project, we automatically add a set of of popular tags to the dictionary; you should review the default set of tags to focus on the relevant ones. Once you've done that, start uploading files or set up an integration to a 3rd party to start finding tags and getting the most out of your photos & videos.


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