How can I re-run SmartTagging over an entire project?

Re-run SmartTag over all of a project's files if you a) want to find instances of new tag definitions you've added its dictionary, b) remove tags you've deleted from the dictionary, or c) update files with the latest version of advanced image tags, if your organization has them turned on. 

  • Press Ctrl + A on Windows keywords or Command ⌘ + A on Macs to select all of files in a project (thumbnail checkboxes should all show as checked):
  • Click this taskbar icon, then click the SmartTag link:

  • Click Run SmartTag on this pop-up warning:

  • Wait for this pop-up to confirm all files have been retagged (speed depends on how many files are in the project and your internet connection). Once you see it, click Show Now to refresh the project and see new tags:

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